New consultant saddle fitter – Karin Rosenlew, Oy Vixen AB – Finland


The craftsmanship we offer is equally as important as the knowledge and expertise in saddle fitting that you desire.

So we would like to extend a warm welcome to:

Karin Rosenlew, SMS Qualified Saddle Fitter from Oy Vixen AB.

Now representing Bliss of London in Finland. Contact her on 0400-489997












“A few weeks ago I went to England, continuing education, and at the same time I visited a number of the saddle manufacturer. Tuomisina minulla on hyviä uusia ratkaisuja, tutkimustuloksia ja inspiraatiota. I have some good in bringing new solutions, research and inspiration. Viime viikolla sain ensimmäisen Bliss of London satulan (uusin satulamerkkini) varastoon. Last week, I got my first Bliss of London saddle (newest satulamerkkini) storage. Sekä minun että “Female Fox Vixenin” kilparatsastajan Anita Arposen arvosana tästä satulasta on 10+! Me and my “Female Fox Vixenin” jockey Anita Arponen rating this saddle is a 10 +! Huikea ratsastuskokemus. Huge riding experience. Kuvia linkistä: Pictures below:

Tiimimme vahvistuu lokakuun alusta Sari Pulkkisella, joka aloittaa Vixenissä oppisopimuksella. Our team will strengthen the beginning of October Sari Pulkki Sella, who starts Vixenissä apprenticeship. Lokakuun lopussa käymme yhdessä Englannissa satulanvalmistajilla ja samalla Sari osallistuu Society of Master Saddlersin Intro-kurssille. In late October, we go together in England saddle manufacturers, and at the same time participate in Sari Society of Master Saddlers Intro course. Sarin Diploma in Equine Science-opinnot ovat jo käynnistyneet Oxford Collegessa. Sarin Diploma in Equine Science studies have already been launched Oxford College. Tervetuloa Sari! Welcome to Sari!


